Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Baptisms. Edition 2

 - Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life - Romans 6:4

What a blessing to say again that more souls have been added to the kingdom through baptism!  It was a special Sunday morning when seven people stood before the church body to testify of what God has done for them in saving their souls.  Two of the seven, Ramou and Helen, have already been baptized but shared their testimonies before committing to membership with the church.



Those who were baptized spanned a range of ages. Rezanet, a widow and mother of six, was recently converted and has been a sweet blessing to the other sisters. She is the older sister of Antonia, who was baptized last year. Her six children range in age from 13 to mid 30s, and have all started coming to church now and then. One of them, a 19 year old son, McKenzi, was also just baptized at the same time. It is exciting to see this family making such changes and standing out in the community for the Lord, despite the struggles it brings!



Another young convert, Wenalson, is the twin brother of Reynalson, the adopted sons of sister Antonia. He's a very quiet young man but seems to have a desire to do the will of the Lord!


Yolanda is a special friend of McKenzi. At first it seemed there was opposition from her dad as she desired to dress modestly and make significant changes with her life, but things were cleared up and she has taken a stand in the community. You wouldn't imagine how much pressure there is in a small village in Haiti to conform to a standard of dress that is more than displeasing to God. Despite her quiet nature, Yolanda has stepped out in faith and followed the commandment to deny worldly lusts and live soberly and godly in this present world.  She and McKenzi have plans to start a home of their own some day.


Semanna (meaning "is manna), or just Manna, is without a doubt our most energetic of the recently added members.  It seems there's nothing she's afraid to do to help out.  She used to pick up a bucket and jump in to help a group of men haul concrete, or grab a large hoe and go turn the dirt, just to show what she's made of. Now that determination is being used to care for Brother Toujou and his wife, the elderly couple who are in such great need. Cooking two meals a day for them on top of all their laundry and diaper changes is no small task, especially when she receives backlash from neighbors. She has the resilience to withstand the mocking and scoffing, such as, "will you change my diaper, too?"

Pray for the growing church down here! There are encouraging times, but also very challenging times for them as they do what it seems no one in Haiti does anymore. Pray that they can be strengthened to endure the new challenges they face each day, even the minor persecution they receive from family and old friends.

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