Thursday, December 14, 2017

A Broken Leg, a Baby, and a Bible Study

We are long overdue for an update! The weeks seem to fly by, and the slow/nonexistent internet connection makes the blog the easiest thing to slip past when the days are busy. 

As you probably know already, every day in Haiti has its own story, but we'll at least share a few of the recent events around the mission. 

The broken leg happened to our old neighbor Joez. He was one of those involved in our unofficial business loan program with the purchase of a motorcycle to be used as a taxi. Last week he was on a return trip down the mountain on a different motorcycle, with two other men (Merlin and Evanson) on the same bike. They struck another motorbike and since Joez was sitting at the handlebars, he got the worst end of the deal. His leg is broken in several places, requiring a plate to fix it. This unexpected incident put a damper on his plans to travel to Chile.  The plane tickets he purchased by selling the motorcycle will have to be forfeited.  He was reluctant to go in for surgery and have a plate put in his leg for fear it would give him life-long trouble. However, a reminder that he would never walk right without it was enough to convince him it would be best. So it was after much communication with a friendly and helpful Doctor that Joez was reserved a bed and an operating time at the hospital. 

In more uplifting news, our friends and neighbors Rameau and Helene, who were married early in March, welcomed their first baby home last week.  Their little daughter, Darla is healthy, but Helene is still trying to recover from a not-so-easy delivery. We praise the Lord for bringing this sweet little girl safely into the world, and we pray her parents can set out to lead her on the right path. 

On Saturday, we were pleased to host the large monthly Bible study with several other missionaries from around Haiti. Some traveled more than four hours to come here. It was a tremendous blessing to sing with a large group of around 60 people, followed by a couple hours of thought provoking discussion on a passage in Collosians.  The remainder of the day was spent with a meal and fellowship. It's so interesting to hear about what others encounter while they live in Haiti! They went back to their respective missions leaving us refreshed and encouraged. 

Things are still going well with the little church here in Hostin. We've been enjoying the consistency of having a regular church to attend every Sunday and Wednesday, and many of the same faces keep coming back for each meeting. There seems to be several that are counting the cost, please help pray for them! Some of them often bring friends along for Sunday morning. 
The young convert, Renalson, seems to be growing, and he's even been holding his mom accountable to do what's right!  A young mother that attends faithfully asks nearly every meeting for prayer. She desires to be soundly converted, but there are major issues in her life that are a great challenge to overcome!  I believe that God will meet her when she is ready to give it all over to him! 

With a continually-growing heard of farm animals (sheep, goats, pigs, cows, rabbits, broilers and laying hens), and still traveling to preach, Barry's days stay plenty busy.

Thank you for your prayers for the Haitian people. The seeds are still being planted, but God gives the increase!