Saturday, May 4, 2019

April 2019 Update

"If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet, ye also ought to wash one another's feet."

On the evening before His death, Jesus washed the feet of His disciples, then instructed that His followers would continue this practice to help us remember. Christ gave us a great lesson in performing this simple but profound act. This past Sunday, we had the opportunity to remember as we had an evening foot-washing and communion service with the church members here in Hostin, Arcahaie, Haiti. It was a first-time experience for some of them. Barry and Pastor Bazalet did well in explaining the significance of what we were doing.


The evening didn't get started without a hitch, as can be expected when satan wants to interfere with anything that is for the benefit of the Kingdom. Because of all the pollution, corruption, and confusion that has been cultivated in Haiti's churches over the years, we announced that morning that the coming evening service would be only for members of the church body, those who are converted and walking pure and holy in the sight of God. However, there was no small stir when someone outside of these parameters wanted to participate. It was difficult to have to restate what had already been explained, and we nearly lost a committed member for her frustration when we asked this other person to not participate. Once it was re-explained that communion is for the body of Christ and only to be taken with a clean heart, she understood, came back inside, and repented, without her angry mother whom she had defended.

From then on, the service flowed beautifully and was a wonderful time of drawing nearer to the Lord as one body. It ended with lots of hugs and greetings. I think it spoke strongly to the hearts of this little church fellowship!

We had a full house once again for a week while a group from both Kentucky and Indiana came to Haiti to stay with us. They were able to build a shade house (similar to a greenhouse, but keeps things cooler rather than warmer), as well as construct new, more permanent benches for the church building. We were blessed by their help with these projects and the week of fellowship!

We've also had a few visiting preachers over the last few weeks, while fellow missionaries from different parts of Haiti come to visit on various weekends. In two weeks' time we had Melvin Kauffman, who was here with the group from Kentucky, Joshua Showalter, from Liberty, Kentucky, but was here working with another mission, and Robert Stauffer, author of Worth Remembering and the Pastor at CAM here in Haiti. It seemed the church appreciated the new faces and thoughts.

Joshua Showalter shared an opening message

Pastor Robert Stauffer

As far as Barry's preaching efforts, the Lord has led him to be placing more effort and time with several different mountain churches, as unrest continues down in the cities and villages. Crime is drastically on the rise. It seems almost daily we hear about someone getting robbed or shot. More and more gangs are rising up and anti-government groups are forming bands and militias. Some of declared their mission to be to kill the police chief of every district. The government has issued a "shoot to kill" method in helping the police attempt to maintain some control.   What a blessing to be in God's protecting hands!

We would like to thank everyone who contributed to the effort of getting the box truck and all of its contents sent down here.  Although the truck itself is still in the lot waiting on customs, most of the items have been unloaded and brought to the mission house. There was a lot of excitement when we plugged in the ringer washer and watched its washing power, as well as seeing all the other many useful items and food that came.

Many thanks to all who contributed, and thank you all for your prayers and support!

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